In 2008, SOPAN has organized General health camp related to eye and women reproductive health in Nalang VDC, Dhading. More than 300 patient got benefit from the health camp. For this “Friendship for Development and Peace (FDP)- Nepal had provided financial support and “Lions Club of Kathmandu” gave Technical assistance. It was conducted in 2065 Bhadra 29.
SOPAN had been organized inter school oratory competition in 2064-06-06 at Vishwabhasha Campus, Kathmandu. The topic of the competition was “Role of education in poverty alleviation”. 45 students from different 25 schools are involved in the competition. The chief guest of the program was Mr. Mohan Man Sainju (Vice-chairman of poverty alleviation fund).
In the year of establishment 2007 AD, it was a great opportunity for SOPAN as a first program. We have coordinate skill development training related to sewing, weaving, making candles and incense. For this program “Nepal Charkha Pracharak Gandhi Tulasi Smarak mahaguthi”has been provided technical support, shelter, lodging and fooding for two years. For this SOPAN has gathered 10 women from different communities, gave orientation class and admitted in Tulsi Mehar Gandhi Smarak Ashram for two years. Out of 10 women, 7 had been completed two years complete package. 5 women started sewing and weaving center as their own business.
Tulsa Meher Shrestha is the founder of “Nepal Charkha Pracharak Gandhi Tulasi Smarak mahaguthi” the first social non-governmental organization (NGO) in Nepal. The Mahaguthi was initially “Shree Chandra Kamdhenu Charkha Pracharak Mahaguthi” established in 1926 AD (Baisakh 1st 1983B.S.). It is the pioneer social organization in Nepal established to protect and uplift untouchables, helpless, neglected and distressed people in general and destitute women in particular. The benevolent social reformer inspired from the value and importance of non-violence, self-reliance and truth of the Gandhian philosophy. From the very young age he was a supporter of democracy and humanitarian.

An open forum for Youth to discuss contemporary Area and Shared Learning Forum
In order to provide information and create a shared learning environment based on the LIA (Learn to Engage and Initiate) Approach developed by SOPAN as a key approach, SOPAN developed the concept of COFFEE BAR Program where youth themselves select the topic of their interest try to relate with contemporary issues such unemployment, mass poverty, sustainable development on the hand through
Forum since it is also shared learning from for youth they also share their experiences and learning in the forum which is termed as skill transfer session under COFFEE BAR Project which is carried under the leadership of youth only and both facilitator and participants are youth. Further, the COFFEE BAR project is an open project in which SOPAN intends to reach out to both governments, Boarding schools of rural,
urban and semi-urban communities of Nepal. The organization initiated this concept to make youth, adolescents studying in college be
sensitized about the contextual and contemporary issues which have an impact on their community and society and also motivate them to share their innate and gained skills so that they can help other youth like them to be creative, skillful and knowledgeable and sharer which can be established as a sharing and learning cycle among youth and community.

5.1.1 Objectives:
- To create the environment of discussion, being peer educator through sharing skills and knowledge gained by youth to others youths
- To develop the system of skill and knowledge transfer through event based forum where youth will opportunity to explore issue, put their argument be inform about various contemporary issues
- To enhance the public speaking skills and analyze the background and impact of discussed issue as a problem
Major achieved outcomes/results
- The program has provided opportunities to share, learn and engage in organizing and coordinating program
- This is youth led concept by the youth, for the youth and with youth especially
- The participants are aware and informed about contemporary issues and develop key strategy to address issues faced by them and community.
- It has been established as a hub of youth and interested individual to share their knowledge and learn from each other’s in shared learning environment.