SEVA is a volunteer mobilization program to encourage and invite as many international volunteers as possible to improve this situation, while they are experiencing the rich culture, natural splendor, and daily life of Nepal, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. SEVA is nothing but offering one’s skills through volunteerism, competence, knowledge, and resources full-heartedly for the purpose of others’ needs without any expectation of return. Traditionally, though, voluntary work is viewed as a selfless deed which is done for others’ good, today’s voluntary work is a little different and taken as helping others along with aiming to get something for their own. None of them are wrong because there is always an exchange of knowledge, skills, competence, and resources between two people, and hence this program is named SEVA which any volunteer with a good heart volunteers for good purpose.
· To mobilize volunteers for the progress of the community through the engagement of youths and adolescents.
· To increase the skill of volunteers and create awareness and sensitization through volunteer engagement in the sectors of health, education, environment, human right, child rights, GBV, gender, and mental /psychosocial issues.
· To promote volunteerism in the international and local communities