In the year of establishment 2007 AD, it was a great opportunity for SOPAN as a first program. We have coordinate skill development training related to sewing, weaving, making candles and incense. For this program “Nepal Charkha Pracharak Gandhi Tulasi Smarak mahaguthi”has been provided technical support, shelter, lodging and fooding for two years. For this SOPAN has gathered 10 women from different communities, gave orientation class and admitted in Tulsi Mehar Gandhi Smarak Ashram for two years. Out of 10 women, 7 had been completed two years complete package. 5 women started sewing and weaving center as their own business.
Tulsa Meher Shrestha is the founder of “Nepal Charkha Pracharak Gandhi Tulasi Smarak mahaguthi” the first social non-governmental organization (NGO) in Nepal. The Mahaguthi was initially “Shree Chandra Kamdhenu Charkha Pracharak Mahaguthi” established in 1926 AD (Baisakh 1st 1983B.S.). It is the pioneer social organization in Nepal established to protect and uplift untouchables, helpless, neglected and distressed people in general and destitute women in particular. The benevolent social reformer inspired from the value and importance of non-violence, self-reliance and truth of the Gandhian philosophy. From the very young age he was a supporter of democracy and humanitarian.

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